Urner Wochenblatt | 143. Jahrgang | Nr. 51 | Samstag, 29. Juni 2019 | Seite 19
English translation below

My excursion today took me with a rented scooter through forests over bumpy roads to the "land split" at Pai. Here in 2009 and 2011 a geological phenomenon happened. The country had separated. One to two meters wide gaps formed, trees and shrubs were torn apart. After the events, nature had to get involved in the new situation, to form new roots ... to reorientate itself.
Does not this also reflect the history of the people? How many times have countries been torn apart by the power greed of a few people? These people have the terrible gift of creating a gap between formerly friendly people. People who had trusted each other for years and helped each other. The roots of the friendship were torn apart and everyone had to get used to the new life situation. To rebuild the livelihoods.
The forces of nature we have not in our hands ... but the respectful interaction with the people around us and the goal in peace and friendship to live side by side. We should do it.
There are always models for this! I met one of them today at „Land Split“. One would think that a farmer whose land is destroyed many times, is annoyed, resigned and embittered. Not so this farmer. He reacts to the uprooting of his plants, the separation of his earth very differently. He warmly welcomes the people who want to look at this natural phenomenon. He shows you the access to the circular route, which leads through the divided country and his beautiful "Organic Garden".
As soon as I am back from the impressive tour, he offers me a Roselle iced tea and asks me to sit down at a table. A few minutes later, in addition to the tasty tea, other delicacies are in front of me. He tells enthusiastically what seasonal products he serves me here for a voluntary donation. Tamarind, Roselle jam, dried and fresh bananas, peanuts and papaya.
It is a local taste experience, which I soon enjoy talking with other tourists.
Yes, this farmer could not be stopped by the Split and the destruction of his country. He can not change the force of nature and accepts it as such. But he has decided to unite the cultures and people in this place! In my opinion an impressive and beautiful gesture. Ok, also a very clever one. Nevertheless, his actions touched me.
I would like to see people learn to treat one another with respect and that in this way "splits" and boundaries can be overcome. I wish that separate peoples can reunite and new deep roots are formed. In my eyes, this farmer is doing just that. With his open way to meet people and to bring them closer to their culture, their land, their life ... that beats roots, which persist.
His "Land Split" unites peoples and cultures! Thanks for that!
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