Urner Wochenblatt | 143. Jahrgang | Nr. 72 | Mittwoch, 11. September 2019 | Seite 16
English translation below!

I'm really lucky! I can discover the small and big wonders of the world on my journey. That's exactly what I wanted. Again and again I am deeply touched, what I can experience and see everything!
A walk through Adelaide made me speechless and breathless a few weeks ago.
Adelaide, yes, this city has completely mesmerized me. In the middle of the city you are surrounded by greenery, nature and animals. The Torrens River meanders snugly through the city. It transports the energy of Mount Pleasent to Henley Beach and is so present in the city center that it can break through the hustle and bustle of the big city and everyday life. A real oasis.
Carried by this energy and of course my shoes, I walk on the banks of the Torrens Rivers towards the city. Here it should have wild Koalas.
I mostly look upwards while walking and made sure that I do not stumble into a walker, cyclist or even over my own feet. The bird splendor here is stunning. Likewise the concert with different tones and sounds is! Simply fascinating.
My eyes try to capture the beauty and there, yes, there: Two eyes stare at me from the bushes. A koala. He dared to hit the ground. For a long time we both stay. Under careful observation, I draw my camera. The koala classifies me after a few more minutes as not dangerous and starts running. I do not know what he's aiming for, but he's attacked by birds on the way. He seeks protection on a tree and runs on shortly thereafter. I have no idea what his goal is, but apparently it has caught the hustle and bustle.
It is completely different with this little Magpie-lark. The little bird can not be disturbed by me. Run proudly next to me. Even the gun-like click of my camera in sports mode does not worry him. He walks only an arm's length away from me. In between, he pecks something in the grass around, but most of the time he's watching me as curiously as I watch him. We pass each other again and again. My clear goal is to capture from him a sharp picture with SAM. His goal is unclear to me.
Soon we reach a bridge and the peewee proudly sets off on the sidebar of the bridge. I see my opportunity. I pass him and kneel on the floor. The camera aimed directly at eye level, I click. I hardly dare to breathe. This moment is magical. He walks straight towards me like on a catwalk in Paris. Heidi Klum (German model) would be proud of him. 10 cm in front of me he stops. His way is blocked! One eye-long look he looks me straight in the eye and seems to ask: "And now? What next? You're in my way! "He stops short and then decides to leave his dock. I breathe again and it's over, that wonderful eye-sight! I am happy, touched and speechless!
I have often experienced such moments in my life. For a long time I let the animals look into my soul, it seems to me. What you see there remains a mystery. But what I tell you: Such wonderful moments with animals and also with humans are like pearls for me. Pearls that I treasure for a long time as the most precious treasure in my heart. THANK YOU!
Kommentar schreiben
Lisa (Dienstag, 17 September 2019 03:45)
I love this article! So well written and such an amazing experience